A maritime strategic committee soon to be operational


During the “sea day” organised by the New Caledonia Maritime Cluster on July 6 and 7, 2020, the institutions and the main players in the sector laid the foundations for an ambitious strategy to exploit the maritime domain.

More than 170 people were present during the debates, exchanges and round tables focused on the maritime development project.

The institutions, represented by the president of the government Thierry Santa, as well as the private actors of the sector came together with a clear goal: "To take advantage of the economic potential of the sea, in an original way".

© Port autonome de Nouvelle-Calédonie

© Port autonome de Nouvelle-Calédonie

The flagship measure consists on the implementation of a maritime strategic committee, which should be operational at the end of August. According to Christopher Gygès, member of the government in charge of the blue economy: "It will allow us to define the maritime objectives for 2020-2021. This is an essential synergy to chart a blue path towards progress, innovation and ecology." 

The other big announcement of the “sea days” is the formalisation of the feasibility studies for the port of Numbo. Christopher Gygès specifies: "A 400 million francs budget is foreseen for this project which will support the maritime economic development of New Caledonia".

Projected as a maritime excellence centre, the Numbo port project foresees the creation of an artificial island of 10 hectares. This will fix the lack of port infrastructures on the territory (careening area, dismantling, dry dock, workshops, etc.). The project will generate numerous jobs, as well as the necessary dedicated training for maritime economic development.

These events seem to be in line with the development of New Caledonia and with the creation of the new ministry of the sea (under the french government), led by Annick Girardin. 



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